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Chef in the Classroom CES

Our most popular program is the Chef in the Classroom (CIC) program.

It has been running in the Elementary School since 2012

After the new Elementary School Blue Jay Garden was built, we worked with the teachers and the Chef to create new recipes that utilize the garden if possible and now they all correspond with the theme they are studying at the time of their CIC experience. Each grade gets to experience one CIC a year. During that time, local Chef Gene Gowan prepares a healthy recipe while showing the kids how math, science, and reading can all tie into the kitchen. They learn where the particular food items come from and how they are grown. The students then get to try the food and take home the recipe. It is thrilling to watch a kid say they hate vegetables and then devour the entire dish made of only vegetables. This program has been such a success we felt a need to bring it to the High School level



After the Kindergartners read and discussed "Stone Soup" in class,  Farm to School brings in Chef Gene. The students get to watch him demonstrate how to make Vegetable Stone Soup while he ties in the book as well as where all these food come from. 

Each student gets to try the soup and is provided the recipe to take home. 


Vegetable Stone Soup


1st Grade

Blue Jay Pasta Sauce

The first graders get to have Chef Gene come in and show them how to make Blue Jay Pasta sauce.  During the process of the demonstration Chef Gene ties in the story Strega Nona which they have been reading in their own classroom. He also talks about where each ingredient came from and talks about as Chef you get to make the decisions of what ingredients go in.  He also talks about different substitutions you can use in this recipe. 

Each student gets to try the Blue Jay pasta and is provided the recipe to take home.



4th Grade

Three Sisters Succotash

During the 4th grades Native American theme Chef Gene joins the classroom cooking up Three Sisters Succotash.  Chef Gene talks about the Three Sisters and companion planting.  The kids LOVE this recipe!

Each student gets to try Three Sisters Succotash and is provided a recipe to take home. 

The 3rd graders study a multicultural theme in their classroom and each student chooses a country to research and create a presentation to share.  To correspond with the theme Chef Gene shows them a little Middle Eastern Cuisine using chickpeas.  He talks about the history of spice trade and some of the ways you can use chickpeas. The hummus is made with cooked chickpeas where the falafel is made with soaked dry chickpeas. 

Each student gets to try the falafel and hummus and is provided a recipe to take home.

Three Sisters Succotash


3rd Grade

Middle Eastern Chickpeas


2nd Grade

Butternut Squash Pancakes 

Butternut Squash Pancakes has been a favorite since the program started. What a great way to introduce the versatility of vegetables!  Students also get to learn about maple syrup and the how it is made.

Each student gets to try Butternut Squash Pancakes and is provided a recipe to take home.

This event falls concurrent with CES Farm Day/Week the third week in May. Chef Gene Gowan whips up a seasonal salad of local spinach with tortellini. As he cuts up the vegetables for the salad, he demonstrates different classic cuts (dice, julienne, chiffonade). He shows us how easy it is to make a homemade dressing.

Each student gets to try the Spinach Tortellini Salad and is provided a recipe to take home.


5th Grade

Spinach Tortellini Salad

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