Chef Gene and Jacy Eckerman created a curriculum and were able to establish a new CIC program in the High School in Spring of 2020! This is a four day, hands-on learning and cooking experience with the Freshman Health Class once a semester (so every Freshman will have the opportunity). The first day they learn the basics: knife skills, how to efficiently work in a kitchen, the difference between oils and a bit about vinegars and then prep a few veggies for the second day. They learn a handful of breakfast recipes, soup, salad, and sandwiches, and Chickpeas three ways! Each student gets their own CIC recipe book with all the recipes plus a few more as well as pantry items, tips in the kitchen, glossary and much more. This program will continue to grow into all four schools in years to come.
Chef in the Classroom Recipe books
FREE with minimum $10.00 Donation.

Chef in the Classroom CHS